§ 8.64.040. Residential Dwelling Compliance Requirements.  

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  • A.

    The owner of any residential property shall be responsible for compliance with this chapter. Citizens are responsible for source separating mandated items according to this chapter and delivering them to the municipal collection system (whether curbside collection, bulk center or drop-off center). These items must be source separated; no mandated recyclables are permitted in the garbage put out for collection; no garbage is permitted in recyclables placed in the township's collection system.


    For multifamily units, the owner or manager is responsible for the following:


    The property owner/management is responsible for ensuring that a recycling system is established and that it is operated in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The property owner/management is responsible for setting up and maintaining the recycling system. The property owner/management is responsible for receiving and responding to warnings, Notices of violation, and penalty assessments and for correcting violations. The property owner/management will be expected to correct violations promptly and to make necessary direct contacts with residents.


    Drop-off centers (bulk centers), if in use, must be established and maintained so that they are conveniently accessible to residents. Curbside collection may be made available in place of, or in conjunction with, these drop-off centers. The recycling system must provide for all designated recyclables in the residential waste stream. The recycling system may utilize separate containers for each recyclable material or it may provide for two or more materials to be placed in one container provided the recycling hauler can take the materials commingled. Containers must be clearly marked and the area neatly maintained. Container capacity must be adequate to hold the amount of materials generated between pick-ups. It must be clear to an inspector that the system is being serviced.


    It must be clear that the system is being used properly by employees and tenants. There must not be garbage in the recycling containers or recyclables in the garbage containers. The property owner/management is responsible for resolving problems which may arise from the improper use of containers and for training employees and tenants to properly understand and use the recycling system.


    Notification and collection rules shall be issued by the management to new tenants when they arrive and to all residents every three months. Copies of these notices, or other proof of distribution of the notices, must be sent to the Municipal Recycling Coordinator at the time of each mailing or distribution.


    The property owner/management is responsible for arranging to have recyclables picked up and for resolving any problems with the transporter of recyclables.


    The property owner/management must arrange to obtain documentation in order to report the tonnages of materials recycled at least once per year prior to March 1 or else he/she must arrange to have the collector provide that documentation directly to the township. Arrangements with recycling companies or with haulers handling recyclables should include provisions for obtaining this information. Documentation must be maintained by the management. When the township provides recyclables collection service, reporting and proof are not needed.


    Single-Dual Stream Recycling: Multi-family locations may opt to collect their recyclables in a single stream or dual stream (fiber, commingled) provided the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) that receives the material has certified that they have the ability to separate and maximize the capture rate of the designated recyclables. The UCUA division of solid waste management will compile and maintain an updated list of those facilities.

(Ord. No. 7-2010, § 4, 6-15-2010)